Critical Care Nurses-4-Should implement the proposed care protocol and guidelines in terms of administration and care coordination with families and other healthcare providers

Critical Care Physicians-3 should ensure that all decisions made in prevention or management of patients with VAP follow the prescribed guidelines and protocol.

What type of cost analysis will be needed before a trial?  Who needs to be involved with this?

Before the implementation of a trial, cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis will be needed. The primary costs will be incurred in the training of staff and the purchase of 0.2% oral chlorhexidine. Close to 8 physicians and 10 nurses will undergo the training in the trial period. Besides, there will be ongoing education to sensitize and increase awareness of other staff on the prior trial. This education will be conducted using flashcards, checklists, and brochures ACE Star Model Of Knowledge Transformation: EBP Change Process

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